Entry-level technical interview question for software engineer.

   1. What are C, C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, SQL and Django?

C is a general-purpose, procedural, compiled and structured language.

C++ is a superset of C language, as it includes OOPS (Object Oriented Programming System).

 Python is a platform-independent interpreted programming language that supports OOPS.

JAVA is a platform-independent, class-based interpreted programming language that supports OOPS which has been designed for lower dependencies.

JavaScript (JS) is a scripting language that doesn’t need to compile like java, it can be interpreted

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language used by a database like RDBMS and RDSMS.

Django is a web framework (framework in programming is a tool that provides ready-made components that are customized in order to ease up development) that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. 

   2. What are array, pointer, and LinkedList? Difference between them?

Array is a variable that stores more than one value of the same data type in a sequential memory allocation.

Pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable that has the same data type.

LinkedList is a linear data structure where data are not sequentially but are linked with each other with the help of their address. 

   3. What is the difference between Interpreter and Compiler?

Compiler- It scans the whole program at a time and converts it into machine code

Interpreter- It scans the program line by line and translates it into machine code. (Debugging is faster here)

4. What are Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism with its types? or What are OOPS pillars?

Object-Oriented Programming System is a methodology for programming efficiently and in a more managed way and leads to less error in code and increases collaboration and ease of maintenance.

There are four pillars of OOPS

Abstraction (Data Hiding) - Only showing the necessary details and hiding the rest to the user.

Inheritance (Data Re-usability) - Method which allows classes to derive from other classes.

-Access modifiers change which class has access to other classes (-public,-private,-protected)

Polymorphism (Take many Forms)-a method which is able to take many forms (-Dynamic polymorphism (level-based/Overriding) –Static polymorphism (Overloading)

Encapsulation (Data encapsulating)-Idea of hiding data within a class, preventing the class from direct interactivity with it. (By getting and setting method)

(1) Encapsulation ----> Getters and setters 2) Abstraction --> We care about Interface. Not the implementation behind the hood. 3) Inheritance --> Extending classes... Access modifiers: public, private, modifier 4) Polymorphism --> Interface / Implements in Java ... Same methods' name, but different implementations of methods.)

  5.  What are access modifiers or access specifiers? Private, Public, Protected, Default?

The access modifiers are used to constraint the scopes of a class, data members, functions and constructors they are used in designing java programs or applications

Default- When no access modifiers are specified then the default access modifier is selected.

Public- When methods and variables of a class are being accessed from anywhere in a program, then public access modifiers are used.

Private- When the use of data members and functions are within the same class, then private access modifiers are used.

Protected- When the use of data members and functions are within the same package or subclass, then private access modifiers are used.


 6.         What is call by value and call by reference?

Call by Value

Call by Reference

Duplicate copy of the original parameter is passed.

Actual copy of the original parameter is passed

On modification, there is no effect on the original value.

On modification, the original value gets affected.

A value’s copy itself is passed to the function.

An address of the value is passed to the function.

Actual and formal parameters will be created in a different memory location.

Actual and formal parameters will be created in the same memory location.


7.         What is the use of the NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas library in python?

NumpyNumerical Python library used for data science.

MatplotlibLibrary used for drawing graphs.

PandasLibrary called as excel of python.


--- !!! Happy Reading !!!--- 

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