Are the first impulses of thoughts made are based on these preconceived notions?

Preconceived notions 

The term through which the human algorithms are operated, so most of the time our decisions or judgments might be triggered through the ‘preconceived notions’. Let’s say for example, the first time when we encounter to an unknown place, person or an object, the first impulses of thoughts made are based on these preconceived notions, now interestingly, these preconceived notions are twofold as they are either formed by your own reasoning system or it could be subconsciously feed to your mind by some-one else.

For a lighter note, say for example if you are passing through a dark tunnel and you met a person ‘A’ in between who tells you that don’t cross the tunnel as there is huge pit ahead, then obvious way is that you will quit going ahead, on other hand if a person ‘B’ would met you who had told you that there is great scenery ahead to view, then you might take decision to go ahead.

Now in this case, it seems that you didn’t have any choice, else than to listen to some unknown person who manipulated your decision, what if these information given by those unknowns are contradictory in nature, then you might fall victim to some tragedy,  Hypothetically, there is one way out to escape this situation, it’s to have courage and light a torch to view through this dark tunnel and make the decision by your own.
If you have seen the movie - Matrix, then you can easily relate, like when Morpheus asks Neo to choose either from the Red pill and Blue pill, Neo chose the red pill that takes him away from the illusions and could see the reality by his own, on other hand if he would have chosen the blue pill then he might be got trapped in the world of illusion, where everything was programmed by a computer architect.

Unfortunately, many people unknowingly fall victim to it, as due to certain back-biting, gossip  or negative marketing of a person or an object by someone, they choose the blue pill and make their decisions based on someone else's opinions. Does it ever happened with you, when you met some person whom you haven’t interact with much, but still have some preconceived notions inserted by someone and knows some wrong information about you, or else does it happen when you met some person whom you have never talk to but have many information inserted to you and based on which you treat them.

Nowadays, some huge brands also use this trick to sell their products with a false positive marketing, say like in some TV commercial showing an advertisement in which one of the famous athlete who is consuming a food product that indicates to be healthy, but in reality, when you look to it’s nutritional information, then it's sounds to be somewhat different or contradictory.

Computers don’t have the choice to take the red pill, they work in the way they are programmed to, but we humans have the choice to lighten the torch. So let’s this preconceived notion not govern us, when we encounter an unknown.

--- !!! Happy Reading !!!--- 

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