Are the computers blessings or curses to children?

The present world is ruled by technology. The computer has become an essential part of everyday life computer is efficient in fulfilling all tasks with accuracy. As the computer is used extensively in every field it is beneficial if children use it daily in a controlled environment.

Positive Effects of computers

·     An unlimited stream of information could give a child a broader vision of whichever topics, he/she should like to discover.

·     Students can enhance their knowledge and gain exposure to various fields whether it related to their curricular or even higher than that could be very helpful to step ahead.

·     Children can learn different languages with the help of computers and the internet.

·     Parents gift their children computers in order to deliver a better and more well-contented future.

·     The graphics and audio-visual aided learning could help to grasp different subjects easily.

·     Reference material, illustrations and explanations can be easily available on the internet via computer.

·     A Students could easily download e-books and could also get assistance to complete their assignments quickly.

Negative Effects of computers

·     A higher engagement of an individual may lead to reducing their creativity and imagination power.

·     Children may start relying on computers for completing their simple tasks and which could result in making them slaves to technology.

·      Addiction to technology is a major concern that could consume their time.

·      Children may become introverted.

·      Eye-sighted and other health problems like back pain.

·      It develops a bad body posture as at the young age when the children are supposed to go play outside and by virtue of which they are engaged in doing exercise could come to an end if the child finds over usage of computers.

Final Conclusions

To summarise, times have changed and so have the priorities. It is essential for children to be a computer, Student feels confident and they can grow personally, academically and professionally. But yes, definitely keeping it up to a limit could definitely bless them, while across the limit it may curse on them too. So, be smart enough to keep an eye on that nothing is compromised neither the computer nor the childhood.  


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