How much does a woodpecker bird earn from its carpentry work?

 The bird's species who're carpenters by profession. Woodpeckers are species of bird who are very well known for their skill of pecking the wood (trunk of the tree) they are able to do that by using their beak, the beak of a woodpecker is nearly 3-4 inches in length, and a very astonishing fact is that a woodpecker could easily undergo 20 consecutive strikes per second, amazing strike rate right, but have ever thought that what is the need for a woodpecker to peck wood, Are they being paid for their carpentry work... 

How much does a woodpecker bird earn from its carpentry work?

LOL, It's sound funny right, how can a bird earn, but any creature on the earth had a reason for doing his job, as here the woodpecker is earning in the terms of getting food for its survival as by pecking the trunks the worms or insects staying inside tree trunk could be a meal for a woodpecker, 

There are generally 170 types of woodpeckers. Another interesting thing about a woodpecker is its tongue, the tongue of a woodpecker is approximately 4 inches long and could be spirally wound inside and as shown in the below image it looks like the turban worn by the bird, As the speed or strike rate by which the bird is banging the trunk of the tree, there might be a risk of head injuries but it's not so as the bird's head is design in such a way that it has a natural shock-absorbing mechanism along with a spongy bone which protects him getting hurt.

Generally, woodpeckers are considered harmless birds to humans as they entertain us with their carpentry work, but still, in many cases, they cause issues to human properties like gutters, chimneys or etc.

--- !!! Happy Reading !!!--- 

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