Entry-level technical interview question for software engineer.(PART-3)
What is the Primary key and Foreign key?
The primary key-A key which is used to check whether the data in the
specific column is unique or not.
Foreign key-A column or group of columns that gives a link
between data in two tables.
What are DDL (Data Definition Language) and DML (Data
Manipulation Language)?
DDL (Data Definition Language)- A computer language that is used to either modify or
to create the structure of database objects like view, schemas, tables or
indexes etc.
DML (Data Manipulation Language)- A computer language that is used to manipulate data
in the structure of database objects like inserting, retrieving/deleting or
modifying from existing data etc.
What is SDLC? Its stages?
Development Life Cycle
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process that allows the preparation
of high-quality and low-cost production software.
involved in SLDC are
1. Planning
2. Defining/Analysis
3. Designing
4. Coding/Implementation
5. Testing
6. Deploy/Maintenance
What is Delete, Truncate, Drop and Create?
(Tuples-rows, Attributes-Column, Schema-Structure of table)
Delete- It is a
DML command used to delete the tuples (it deletes one-by-one, have the facility
to delete a single row)
Drop- It is a
DDL command used to delete the entire schema.
Truncate- It is a
DDL command is used to delete the tuples (it do the entire deletion task in one
go, it is faster)
5. What is the logic behind Palindrome, Armstrong, Perfect, Prime, Fibonacci numbers?
Prime no. are no.
that are only divisible by 1 or itself
Palindrome no.
i.e. 1334331 =same on reversing order of digits
Armstrong no.
i.e. 153 =1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3, where 3 is total numbers of digits here.
Perfect no.
i.e. 28 = 1+2+4+7+14(sum of all factor excluding no. itself)
Fibonacci series
is an addition of numbers i.e. 1,1,2,3,5…
6. Do you know any latest technology? Like ML/AI, Cloud, IoT, Cyber security etc?
1. Artificial Intelligence
(AI) and Machine Learning
2. Robotic Process
Automation (RPA)
3. Edge Computing
4. Quantum Computing
5. Virtual Reality and
Augmented Reality
6. Block chain
7. Internet of Things (IoT)
8. 5G
9. Cyber Security
What are aggregate and scalar functions?
Aggregate Function is
an in-built function of SQL that returns a single value by undergoing
operations from collections.(i.e.- SUM(), COUNT(), MIN(), LAST(), etc.)
Scalar Function is
an in-built function of SQL that returns a single value from a single input.(i.e.-
LCASE(),LEN(),FORMAT(), etc.)
8. Do you know any latest technology? Like ML/AI, Cloud, IoT, Cyber security etc?
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
3. Edge Computing
4. Quantum Computing
5. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
6. Block chain
7. Internet of Things (IoT)
8. 5G
9. Cyber Security
9. What are aggregate and scalar functions?
Aggregate Function is an in-built function of SQL that returns a single value by undergoing operations from collections.(i.e.- SUM(), COUNT(), MIN(), LAST(), etc.)
Scalar Function is an in-built function of SQL that returns a single value from a single input.(i.e.- LCASE(),LEN(),FORMAT(), etc.
What are global and local variables?
A variable is like a box that stores values in a given memory location
Global Variables-
The variable whose scope is declared even outside the function or block.
Variables- The variable
whose scope is declared only inside the function or block.
--- !!! Happy Reading !!!---
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