What are the pros and cons for work from home? or Does the work from home model successful or not?

Nowadays, technological advancement and its rapid and widespread application are a significant impact on the way of life. Human-kind has paced in technological advancement than expected. After the pandemic, the major portion of the world has adopted the work-from-home model, especially the IT companies whose entire job functionalities are dependent on computers, work from home have proven the best alternative for them even working when the Corona-virus or Covid had largely impacted many industries, while IT and Pharmacy industries seems an exponential increment on their profit. Now let us discuss what could be the two sides of work from home or telecommunicating.

Positive aspects or Pros.

·     The concept of working from home has been gaining momentum in the past few years.

·     As the employee will not travel to work, it will reduce the travelling cost and the number of vehicles on the roads

·     Less traffic congestion and pollution

·     It is a boon for those women who are restricted to work by a few orthodox thinkers and handicapped people who prefer to work from home.

·     It can help and encouraged the start-up companies which cannot afford the big infrastructure.

·     Time-saving, as the time that is taken to travel to the office, could be saved and utilised in other productive tasks.

·     People are able to work without stress and according to their own time and comfort.

Negative aspects or Cons.

·     As there is no one to monitor your work, hence the quality may be compromised.

·     Lack of discipline.

·     Socially a person becomes de-skilled and which may result in lacking motivation.

·     Working from home can distract and disturb any individual.

·     It gets difficult to differentiate between personal and professional life.

Final conclusion

Every coin has two sides, work from home has also its pros and cons and working from home helps in increasing the economy of a country as more employment opportunities are generated without any prior investment needed for infrastructure or setting up the office.

 --- !!! Happy Reading !!!--- 

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